Second Italian Workshop on Ammonia Energy

5-6 June, 2024

Politecnico di Bari

Campus Universitario “Ernesto Quagliarello”

Ammonia Energy is emerging as a key topic towards the decarbonization of power, heat and transportation sectors. However, “ammonia economy” still presents many open issues, spanning from ammonia synthesis to utilization, before its deployment at different scales.

In this context, the event provides a unique opportunity where academics, SMEs and Industrial stakeholders can profitably discuss “ammonia economy” open issues. The forum represents a tangible opportunity to share actors’ needs and expertise, towards the definition of common strategies to solve open issues of Ammonia Energy.

Workshop participants will have the opportunity to proactively analyze ammonia energy open issues and define possible concrete roadmaps through their participation in round-table discussions and with their own contributions for oral presentations.

The event will be a two-day Workshop that starts on June 5th after lunch (around 14:30). It will continue the following morning and finish at lunch-time on June 6th.

Organizing and Scientific Committee:

Dr. Mara de Joannon (Chair), CNR-STEMS

Dr. Giovanni Cinti, Università degli Studi di Perugia

Prof. Sergio Camporeale, Politecnico di Bari

Dr. Giancarlo Sorrentino, CNR-STEMS / ASICI

Dr. Davide Laera, Politecnico di Bari

Prof. Antonio Andreini, Università di Firenze

Prof. Umberto Desideri, Università di Pisa

Dr. Cinzia Tornatore, CNR-STEMS

Prof. Marco Torresi, Politecnico di Bari

Dr. Mario Commodo, CNR-STEMS / ASICI

Dr. Pino Sabia, CNR-STEMS

Prof. Domenico Borello, Università La Sapienza di Roma

Dr. Michele Stefanizzi, Politecnico di Bari